Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ppl ..., We Have moved to our New Blog .

Friday, August 12, 2005

Karthik's Bday treat 2day ! Wow ! Grand Kakatiya ? Taj ? Na.., karthik's too modest for that. He left the option open 4 us to choose the place. The good guy U think ? hmm.., he wont go too far from home., Doesn't wanna go back to places he's already tried ., wake up man ! We're in Hyderabad ! We ain't got too many options man !Dressed in his Brilliant green shirt and my semi casual attire ., we started out to the LifeStyle building wher the restaurant was located. We finally made it to "Carrots" after deciding to try out a new place no one has been b4 to.

It was a nice Little place with good food and a well decorated interior and calm atmosphere .., just wat we needed to spend some quality time together and yes., have some good food.,c'mon ! we're hungry now having waited for preetham for 2 whole hours ! The serene , calm ambience of the restaurant was soon broken by my over exited gang conversing bout college ., movies and girls.
From there ., we made a quick visit to LifeStyle . From there we went to the best disco in town.., YEAH RITE !!! Like thats ever gonna happen ! My gang really needs to grow up. Its our last year together., we're 20 yrs above now ., we need to freak out more., need to Xperience the night life ! Anyways., the next place we went to doesn't surpise me.,

KBR Nature park..,
We were the only guys there below 40 yrs.., lol :P

We did have fun though., did lotsa photography ., pointless picture taking ., everyone of us and Mr.Preetam tryin to act like he ain't interested. He's the most looks-obsessed guy next to karthik ! Soon, he also succumbed to the temptation and joined the photo frenzy. Here's him., all 10+ cms of hair. :P

We never took a picture of all of us together ., so I used my graphics expertise to mess some pics and make up a grp photo. Here we are ., wet n dampened by the rain but out spirits still high !

Saturday, August 06, 2005

This guy Karthik ! Sure knows how to Njoy life ! Allways crying about having no gal in his life.., mark my words.., see him one whole day without talking to any gal and I'll stop blogging ! ( now now.., dont cry., I just said it casually., I don mean it ! :P )
See his 'gal friends' on the way and He will even leave you in the Sahara ! Naa.., just jokin., he aint that bad ! He'll leave u with enuf stuff to last you till he's outta sight ! :P
man.., karthik.., these are only jokes man., U know wat I'd ask u to do bout them..., CHILL !
Also one advice.., its nice that you have made very good friends in girls., but too many are too bad., too bad for you ! So.., stay away from my Gal friends.., :P

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Blood-Sucking Creature from Hell

Alrite., not exactly a story for the faint hearted, but this story has interested me for quite a long time now. Read on..,

The full moon rose above the mountain in the cloudless night, shining like a pale yellow lantern
into the farmer's bedroom. But that is not what awoke him. It was the chickens. Their panicked cries had awoken him before, and it meant they were under attack. Wild dogs had gotten into the coop, the farmer thought, or perhaps a wolf. He leapt from bed, grabbed his shotgun from the bedroom corner and hurried outside. He checked the gun for cartridges as he jogged barefoot past the long, soft shadows cast by the moonlight toward the chicken coop. The predator will die tonight, he thought, as he pushed open the small door to the coop. He burst in and took aim. But he did not shoot. Instead, he froze, his senses overwhelmed by the sight before him. Several chickens lay dead in the dirt around the clawed feet of a creature the farmer had never seen before. This was no dog, no wolf. It stood on two feet at about the height of a small child. It had dark, scaly skin and a ridge of porcupine-like spines running across its head and down its back. In its short arms ending in sharp claw-like hands, the creature held a chicken to its mouth. It was not eating its prey, but seemed to be sucking the life from it. It turned to face the farmer, its red eyes blazing, and dropped the chicken to the ground. It hissed, baring its large blood-stained fangs. Then it screeched - an unearthly, terrifying noise that drove the farmer backward into the doorway. The creature, with its front claws dangling, hopped like some mutant kangaroo toward the farmer. Dumbstruck, he stumbled backward out of the coop as the creature hopped past him with another deafening shriek. The farmer was knocked to the ground, and he could feel rough, scaly skin of the creature as it passed, and felt the warm, sickening smell of its putrid breath on his face. The creature sprung onto the roof of the coop, spread short, dark, bat-like wings, and with two bounding hops flew away into the darkness. It was only then that the farmer remembered he had his shotgun. He brought it to bear, but it was too late. The creature from hell had disappeared with one last shriek that echoed off the distant mountains.
Although this might sound like some horror story fantasy, it is actually based on the eyewitness accounts and experiences of those who have encountered the enigmatic creature known as el chupacabras - "the goatsucker."
The description, however, also seems to fit a number of other strange creatures that have been seen over the decades - creatures people have identified as gargoyles, the Jersey Devil and the Monkey Man. It's worth examining the similarities and considering whether these all might be sightings of the same mysterious creature.
the weird part being all the wounds from where the blood was sucked were perfectly clean and dry. Almost perfectly round like it was surgically cut ! Not a drop of blood anywhere outside of the wound.
A reasearch by some Dr. Virgilio Sánchez Ocejo (Miami UFO Center)

It all started on March 17, 2000, when a vast light illuminated the skies over Calama and María Elena, being seen as far away as Tocopila. The first attacks to occur in this 2nd Region of Chile began on the outskirts of Calama. These are some of the accounts: a witness told us that he was able to see "two stars" which moved around the area whenever the attacks occurred. Another witness driving along the road from Baquedano to Calama saw a Chupacabras-creature carrying a dead fox on the edge of the highway. A llama and a goat were enigmatically slain within their cages at a grammar school without the night watchman ever hearing anything at all. Together with the school's director, we calculated that a total of 17 liters of blood was obtained from the slain animals and that it is impossible to know how the Chupacabras was able to enter and exit [the cage] through a space measuring barely 30 centimeters.
This story still remains unexplained while this creature is getting all the more popular thru all the media publicity., almost like a celebrity monster !

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Now here are some questions that tickle u in ur brain n ur tummy the same time..,

yeah yeah., I know they're copied but ., wat the heck., got em all 2gether just so that u guys can have fun readin .., so., read on..,

If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes?

When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?

If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...Does that mean the fifth one enjoys it?